Babestation have gone through cycles of marketing practice on their encrypted Freeview babe channel during the storm of FTA advertising before encryption kicks in. Some ideas have been more focused on promoting the phone sex service to max out on calls in the moment, whilst others have been much more centred around selling encryption codes (although the cheap phone sex service has only very rarely been dropped outright to date). Girl/girl intimacy and nudity has sometimes been employed in live babeshows to gain viewers’ attention, appetise them for the encrypted content, and simultaneously prompt callers to dial in…

When Babestation Xtreme was running on Channel 96 in the first half of 2012, multi-girl naked sequences were common in the half-hour ‘appetiser’. Some involved a glass chair, such as Shanti from Masti nights promoting her BSX appearance whilst others were tight huddles of two or even more nude girls together.
Imagine one of a number of naked sequences Priya Young performed on Babestation Blue around the summer of 2012. At the time, ‘Blue was being championed as a “no interruptions” babe channels where the girls could just get on with taking adult phone chat calls, often without heavy graphics. There was a much more relaxed feel than on Babestation 1, with its very intensive selling and ingrained stop/start dynamics. It still baffles me to this day why viewers would call a stop/start channel when they could call this one instead.

Brookie Little was not well known to the Freeview audience before moving to Babestation in late 2012. But she didn’t seem remotely fazed by her step into the hectic spotlight of the highest profile shifts and she made a particularly confident start. Through 2013 Brookie was employed pretty heavily on the main Babestation shows, and was certainly not shy during naked sequences.
Geri certainly never had any worries about getting some interaction out of Jada in a live Babestation pic promo. In fact she’d probably be more concerned about ending up with her picture in the Compliance Book if this sequence was anything to go by. Go for it Jada! This is a memory from the buzzin’ autumn of 2010 on BSXtra. What you notice when you watch live babeshow footage from this period is that producers would usually clear the upper graphics for these live pic promos – on occasion even the whole lot, including the main block with the phone numbers.

Jennifer Jade’s first Freeview appearances came courtesy of Playboy TV Chat, (a.k.a Red Light Central) in late 2011, but she subsequently spent a very short time at Babestation in early spring 2013, from which period the above pic is taken.
I know Camilla was in Part 1 of this series, and I am aiming to vary the models with each part, but how can you not include the Queen of naked TV appearances in a Birthday Suits post? From November 2009 full nudity was Camilla’s trademark on Babestation, and she used her hair almost as other girls would use outfits – as a means of style expression.
Michelle Thorne’s naked exploits on Bang Babes quickly became the stuff of legend especially from the Channel 98 Freeview show, often getting naked enough for the celebrated hand-thong to be called into play.

Even though this pic comes from the latter part of 2013, it evokes much of what was happening four years earlier when towels and sheets were a standard part of Babestation naked sequences. Cali Garcia first worked the Freeview live babeshows back in 2010 when she was with Television X, although she only made a small number of terrestrial appearances before moving to the daytime shows. She’s also worked on a variety of Sky-only channels including Elite TV, (now called Studio 66 or S66) Playboy/RLC, Storm and Bluebird. To clarify the progression, the above channels are in chronological order, with TVX coming between Elite TV and PBTV/RLC. She arrived at Babestation on 8th October 2013, just before the outright closure of her previous channel Bluebird. She’s seen above naked in the Babestation sauna.