Top tips from the Babestation Recruitment site on how to become the next big webcam star with Babestation Cams.
First of all, hard work, perseverance and dedication are the three key ingredients to making it big and earning loads of £££ as a cam girl

Isn’t it just sitting in front of your laptop all day?
Well yes, but it is also putting on your make up, doing your hair. It is preparing for your webcam show in whatever way you want to do whether that be outfit or props or engaging on social media with fans. The rewards you get out of it depend on the time you put in. And sitting in front of your laptop to attract your audience in and staying engaged in what your doing can mean long hours. If you’re not ready to put the time in. You might not find it as easy as you think. At the end of the day, you are your own boss. The only person who will motivate you is you.
Can overnight success stories happen?
Usually only when the person has become famous through other areas like for example social media or reality tv. If you’re not starting on cams with a built in audience the road to success can be longer and harder but it can be shortened with lots of good preperation, spend time setting up your profile with hot pics then it’s up to you to just get your face out there by spending lots of time logged on to BSCams, pervcam or OnlyFans to start building your audience.

Dedication and Perseverance
The more you put in the more you get out. You may have the looks but that doesn’t mean anything without the graft. Most successful cam models get there because of their personalities than their looks. For many aspiring webcam models, perseverance will be the biggest lesson to learn when starting in this business. You might have a really good day and earn hundreds then struggle to get anything the next day. The successful cam girls like Kylie Rose Babestation are the ones who can pick themselves up and go back to it the next day make improvements and keep trying.
Which Cam Site Is Right For You?
The good thing about joining the Babestation Webcam family is that not only will you appear on and but you’ll also get exposure on our affiliate sites too,,, rampant to name just a few. JOIN BABESTATION and see why we are the biggest cam site in the U.K and growing bigger by the day!