Despite enduring a challenging life, Babestation Roxxy Clark, a mother-of-one working at Babestation, takes great pride in giving her daughter a good upbringing and not relying on benefits. However, she has faced a lot of criticism and judgement for how she supports her family. babestation girl Roxxy suffered a troubled childhood and lacked a supportive family, occasions like Mother’s Day are challenging. Roxxy, aged 38, who escaped domestic abuse, credits Babestation for offering her a lifeline through employment in 2022. In a candid interview with Daily Star, the babestation daytime babe shared her story.

 “If it wasn’t for the job I wouldn’t be able to be the mum I am today. I am not like your average mum where they have had a lovely mum and they taught them how to be a mum. I had an abusive childhood and it has been a case of I have never been shown how to be a mum. But I do know how to love and the reason I know how to love is because I’ve got a pure heart despite what people think or say.”

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Having a kind heart unfortunately doesn’t shield Roxxy Clark from judgment regarding how she supports her daughter financially. Despite the emotional nature of this subject, Roxxy remained determined to address all questions, no matter how difficult they were to discuss. Confronting the daily discrimination, she stated:

“I can only go off my own experience and I get judged all the time – massively. I feel like I want to scream in everyone’s face. But I look at my daughter and I think… the day your mummy goes, you will have your life secure and set up and you will never have to walk in my footsteps where I’ve had so much trauma and so much pain. They say you only get one life and mine has not been nice – it has been horrific. But if there is one thing that gets me out of bed and going is working hard for that little girl so when people say things… I’ve had many things said to me.”

Babestation Roxxy Clark big tits cleavage showing

Roxxy continued:

“I get slated to this day and only the other day someone was bad mouthing me because of the job I do. A good friend of mine has friends that have said to them why are they friends with someone like me who works in that industry. I am like wow… It is quite hurtful. But then I look at my daughter and I think ‘you are clothed, you are loved and you are looked after, you travel the world and you have so much life experience for a little girl’ and I do not give a s*** what anyone thinks any more. I don’t care – I did at the start. And I do get nervous when she gets to school and gets older but do you know what? I am making an honest living out of something everyone does every day. I am doing a job and at least I am getting up and I am not living off the government.”

Roxxy Clark has built her career from nothing. Coming from a troubled background, Roxxy has gone from having nothing to being one of the most popular babestation babes, offering viewers intimate encounters via british sex cams and through cheap phone sex on Babestation TV. Roxxy continued: 

“The job at Babestation allows me to give my daughter a nice life. I am not embarrassed. Don’t get me wrong, I am not going around broadcasting what I do. I am just happy to put my hat on, take that hat off, put my mum suit on and go home and be a mum.”

Roxxy, who once worked in a care home, described the Babestation studio as her “safe place” and said they were respectful and appreciative of her efforts. She said she was still fragile when she joined the phone sex channel two years ago – but struggled to put into words how much they have supported her. Most importantly, after years and years of hardship, Roxxy concluded: “I am happy.” 

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