Sometimes the Babeshows Forums can be a gold mine of interesting historical references. Sometimes about the history of Babestation, sometimes about history in general. With this particular thread called Babestation On This Day… by friend of the show, ‘M-L-L’ both these catagories are fully represented in one interesting thread. So read on and find out what happened on Babestation, and the rest of the world as we gather a weeks worth together in… This Week in Babeshows:
1st July
1905 Albert Einstein introduces his theory of special relativity.
111 years later in the BSX studio, up in front of the shutter is Lori Buckby, always viewed by the forum as one of the channel’s most ‘special’ choices, relatively speaking.

2nd July
1698 Thomas Savery patents the first steam engine.
2016 Hannah Claydon demonstrates early “hands free” phone technology for BS Daytime’s “hands on” viewers to let off some steam….

3rd July
1841 John Couch Adams decides to determine the position of an unknown planet by the irregularities it causes in the motion of Uranus.
From bsx in 2015 and 2016, here’s ex Studio 66, S66 Chat Leigh Darby, Jenna Hoskins and Lexi Lowe…
4th July
1653 The English Barebones Parliament goes into session.
For such an illustrious date, a selection of caps of varying degrees of babeshows bareness from 2015 and 2017:
2015 BS Daytime: Kaitlyn Laken and Charlie C
2015 BS Night Show and BSX: Preeti
2017 BSX: Ella Mai

5th July
1945 Labour Party under Clement Atlee wins British General Election (results not declared until 26th July)
70 years, and one Welfare State in the latter stages of systematic dismemberment, later (whoops, bit of Ben Elton bit of politics there) here’s Hannah Claydon in a low cut top…
6th July
Oops. No entry for the 6th July.
7th July
1814 Walter Scott’s “Waverley” is published, and becomes the first novel to be named after a railway station.(Joke.)
And 201 years later, causing a lot of forum huffing and puffing reminiscent of steam trains, here’s ex S66 Cams and current BS babe, Lori Buckby, Preeti….
..and from 2017, Lucy Summers on BSX:

[…] been compared with their corresponding dates in the history of Babestation. We kicked things off last week on the 1st of July through to the 7th, this week we cover the 8th of July to the 14th. Check out this week in […]